Dams are slaves of gravity
But trees act as giant pumps
And are masters of gravity
Osmosis and transpiration
Enable trees to distribute pure water
Equitably in proportion
To the density of vegetation
They defy gravity
Reforest heavily
Then dams become redundant
Dismantle them for harmony and health
Give some space for nature
And see the difference full of rapture
Dams cause nukes to explode!
More Fukushames certain then.
Update 0448 hrs UTC 26 October 2013
A major damquake off the East Coast of Honshu 268 km from Fukushima Daichi Nuclear Plant(37.423,141.033):
This was followed by the first deep focus damquake:
See the confluence of Francisco-13 and Lekima-13 with the Fukushima major damquake:
See of today:
Await a dam related event like a deep focus damquake or a strong to great damquake
or infrastructure damage like nuclear reactor system damage or hurricanes and extreme rains and flash floods,landslides in the Pacific Rim Region, China, Indonesia, in the region bounded by the longitudes spanning the Himalayas(high probability) or in the Italy,Greece,Turkey, Iran ,Afghanistan Region in the next couple of days. The ferocity of Phailin, Narda and Nari and now Wipha followed by Lekma-13 and Francisco-13 may result in a major or great damquake in Turkey or the Himalayas or China or Japan.
Already Australian bush fires on 100000 hectares caused by the dams of the world,applying the precautionary principle scientifically holistically-public interest science.
Update 1112 hrs UTC 25 October 2013:
First damquake after the East of South Sandwich Isles strong damquake:
Await a dam related event like a deep focus damquake or a strong to great damquake
or infrastructure damage like nuclear reactor system damage or hurricanes and extreme rains and flash floods,landslides in the Pacific Rim Region, China, Indonesia, in the region bounded by the longitudes spanning the Himalayas(high probability) or in the Italy,Greece,Turkey, Iran ,Afghanistan Region in the next couple of days. The ferocity of Phailin, Narda and Nari and now Wipha may result in a major or great damquake in Turkey or the Himalayas or China or Japan.
Already Australian bush fires on 100000 hectares caused by the dams of the world,applying the precautionary principle scientifically holistically-public interest science.
Again a mysterious damquake in the North Pacific Ocean:
This is being repeated by EMSC: It has been deleted. This North Pacific Ocean damquake has been entered before several times by EMSC and subsequently deleted. But I retain it here for later analysis.
Pageviews 18 to 25 October 2013:
US 151,Ukraine 5, Russia 4, UK 3, S Korea 3, China 2, India 2, NZ 2, Aus 1, Bangladesh 1, Total 174.
As expected a strong damquake:
I have discussed several times in this article set about related longitude bands. Thus this longitude is related to 77 by the relation 90-12.79=77.21! The latest damquake illustrating this phenomenon is
See the hotspot cluster around 77 longitude existing for a long time:
Total number of fires detected : 418
And hotspots from the 18th October 2013:
Total number of fires detected : 1589
For others see immediately below in this update.
Eighth deep focus damquake:
Seventh deep focus damquake at the dreaded Izu Isles:
Sixth deep focus damquake:
Fifth Deep Focus Damquake:
Fourth Deep Focus Damquake:
Third deep focus daquake:
Second deep focus damquake in the dreaded Izu Isles, Japan:
Great damquake activity in the Xinjiang-Jammu and Kashmir Region.
The collapse of the Rohtang tunnel and these quakes have occurred in the same longitude band(77):
And Rohtang tunnel collapses(32.37,77.25):
How many times did the world's dam surges pass Rohtang Pass!
First deep focus damquake after the strong shallow one in the Gulf of Calif::
Await a dam related event like a deep focus damquake or a strong to great damquake
or infrastructure damage like nuclear reactor system damage or hurricanes and extreme rains and flash floods,landslides in the Pacific Rim Region, China, Indonesia, in the region bounded by the longitudes spanning the Himalayas(high probability) or in the Italy,Greece,Turkey, Iran ,Afghanistan Region in the next couple of days. The ferocity of Phailin, Narda and Nari and now Wipha may result in a major or great damquake in Turkey or the Himalayas or China or Japan.
Already Australian bush fires on 100000 hectares caused by the dams of the world,applying the precautionary principle scientifically holistically-public interest science.
A strong damquake on the Pacific Rim as predicted:
Fourth deep focus damquake:
Third deep focus damquake:
Second deep focus damquake:
The first deep focus damquake:
Await a dam related event like a deep focus damquake or a strong to great damquake
or infrastructure damage like nuclear reactor system damage or hurricanes and extreme rains and flash floods,landslides in the Pacific Rim Region, China, Indonesia, in the region bounded by the longitudes spanning the Himalayas or in the Italy,Greece,Turkey, Iran ,Afghanistan Region in the next couple of days. The ferocity of Phailin, Narda and Nari and now Wipha may result in a major or great damquake in Turkey or the Himalayas or China or Japan.
Yes already China had a mine explosion(17 October 2013):
And Rohtang tunnel collapses(32.37,77.25):
How many times did the world's dam surges pass Rohtang Pass!
See these passes:
(See more at EMSC site)
As expected a major shallow damquake struck in Papua New Guinea:
And 25 cm rain in a day today in Tokyo, in Wipha's wake.
Oshima, a small island south of Tokyo, reported 824 mm (32.44 inches) of rain from the storm in less than 24 hours.
Simultaneously on several fronts attack the dams of the world:
The second deep focus damquake:
First deep focus damquake:
Await a dam related event like a deep focus damquake or a strong to great damquake
or infrastructure damage like nuclear reactor system damage or hurricanes and extreme rains and flash floods,landslides in the Pacific Rim Region, China, Indonesia, in the region bounded by the longitudes spanning the Himalayas or in the Italy,Greece,Turkey, Iran ,Afghanistan Region in the next couple of days. The ferocity of Phailin, Narda and Nari and now Wipha may result in a major or great damquake in Turkey or the Himalayas or China or Japan.
As expected a major damquake in the Philippines, Pacific Rim:
And the other dam related event is severe cyclone Phailin-13 causing flash floods in Orissa with 900000 people evacuated and 15 dead.
The average picture for the monthly peak magnitude damquake for October 2013 is a damquake in the range 7.3 to 7.8 expected between 15 to 21 October 2013.
See the Table at
The second deep focus damquake, Fiji:
A deep focus damquake in Banda Sea:
Await a dam related event like a deep focus damquake or a strong to great damquake
or infrastructure damage like nuclear reactor system damage or hurricanes and extreme rains and flash floods,landslides in the Pacific Rim Region, China, Indonesia, in the region bounded by the longitudes spanning the Himalayas or in the Italy,Greece,Turkey, Iran ,Afghanistan Region in the next couple of days. The ferocity of Phailn, Narda and Nari may result in a major or great damquake in Turkey or the Himalayas or China or Japan.
A strong damquake in Greece:
A deep focus damquake, the first after two strong damquakes:
Then, as expected again and again, a snapshot of strong damquakes after 5 deep focus damquakes:
The fifth deep focus damquake:
The fourth deep focus damquake:
The third deep focus damquake:
The second deep focus damquake, in Western Honshu!
The first deep focus damquake after the two strong damquakes:
Await a dam related event like a deep focus damquake or a strong to great damquake
or infrastructure damage like nuclear reactor system damage or hurricanes and extreme rains and flash floods,landslides in the Pacific Rim Region, China, Indonesia, in the region bounded by the longitudes spanning the Himalayas or in the Italy,Greece,Turkey, Iran ,Afghanistan Region in the next couple of days. The ferocity of Phailn, Narda and Nari may result in a major or great damquake in Turkey or the Himalayas or China or Japan.
Update 204 hrs UTC 7 October 2013
As expected a strong damquake has occurred in the Mariana Isles Region:
This was followed by a strong damquake on the West Chile Rise:
Update 0427 hrs UTC 6 October 2013
The third deep focus damquake:
The second deep focus damquake:
The first deep focus damquake after the strong damquake at Mid Indian Ridge:
Await a dam related event like a deep focus damquake or a strong to great damquake
or infrastructure damage like nuclear reactor system damage or hurricanes and extreme rains and flash floods,landslides in the Pacific Rim Region, China, Indonesia, in the region bounded by the longitudes spanning the Himalayas or in the Italy,Greece,Turkey, Iran ,Afghanistan Region in the next couple of days.
Update 541 hrs UTC 5 October 2013
As expected a strong damquake hit the Mid Indian Ridge(in the Region of the longitudes bounded by the Himalayas):
Update 1303 hrs UTC on 04 October 2013
Ninth deep focus damquake in the dreaded Bonin Isles Region, Japan:
The eighth deep focus damquake:
The seventh deep focus damquake in the dreaded Izu Islands Region:
The sixth deep focus damquake:
The fifth deep focus damquake:
The fourth deep focus damquake:
The third deep focus damquake and it is also a strong one in the dreaded Sea of Okhotsk:
The second deep focus damquake after the strong damquake at Kermadec Isles, New Zealand:
Await a dam related event like a deep focus damquake or a strong to great damquake
or infrastructure damage like nuclear reactor system damage or hurricanes and extreme rains and flash floods,landslides in the Pacific Rim Region, China, Indonesia, in the region bounded by the longitudes spanning the Himalayas or in the Italy,Greece,Turkey, Iran ,Afghanistan Region in the next couple of days.
The average picture for the monthly peak magnitude damquake for October 2013 is a damquake in the range 7.3 to 7.8 expected between 15 to 21 October 2013.
See the Table at
Update 1435 hrs UTC on 30 September 2013
First deep focus damquake after the strong Pakistan damquake on 28 Sep 2013:
This was followed by another strong damquake:
And then the first deep focus damquake:
Await a dam related event like a deep focus damquake or a strong to great damquake
or infrastructure damage like nuclear reactor system damage or hurricanes and extreme rains and flash floods,landslides in the Pacific Rim Region, China, Indonesia, in the region bounded by the longitudes spanning the Himalayas or in the Italy,Greece,Turkey, Iran ,Afghanistan Region in the next couple of days.
Update 1133 hrs UTC on 28 September 2013
As expected a strong damquake struck in the same location almost as the major damquake struck Pakistan, Awaran:
See this important piece of Rappler News: This was a new damquake, not an aftershock:
Update 0603 hrs UTC on 28 SEPTEMBER 2013
Deep focus damquakes three and four:
2013-09-27,15:17:07 UTC, -20.45,-177.84,546,4.4 MM,Fiji Region
2013-09-27,18:36:40 UTC,43.58,134.4,421,4.7 mb,Primor'ye Russia
Await a dam related event like another deep focus damquake, a strong to great damquake
or infrastructure damage like nuclear reactor system damage or hurricanes and extreme rains and flash floods,landslides in the Pacific Rim Region, China, Indonesia, in the region bounded by the longitudes spanning the Himalayas or in the Italy,Greece,Turkey, Iran ,Afghanistan Region in the next couple of days.
Update 1305 hrs on 27 September 2013
As expected a major damquake occurred after the dreaded Bonin Isles deep focus damquake:
2013-09-24 at 112948.95 hrs UTC 26.9997, 65.5143, 20, 7.7 MM, Awaran, Pakistan.
This was followed by three deep focus damquakes:
2013-09-24, 204151, -17.85, -178.56, 552, 4.5 Fiji Region
2013-09-25,033420,-19.87,179.91,467,4.5 South of Fiji
2013-09-25,033420.3,-19.87,179.91,467,4.5 South of Fiji
Thereafter a strong damquake on SE Pacific Rise:
2013-09-25,065123,-50.03,-113.77,10,6.0 South East Pacific Rise
Thereafter a major damquake near coast of Southern Peru:
Thereafter two deep focus damquakes
2013-09-25,164327,39.29,15.21,314,2.8 Southern Italy.
2013-09-26,112350,-21.80,-179.33,616,4.8 Fiji Region.
Await a dam related event like another deep focus damquake, a strong to great damquake
or infrastructure damage like nuclear reactor system damage or hurricanes and extreme rains and flash floods,landslides in the Pacific Rim Region, China, Indonesia, in the region bounded by the longitudes spanning the Himalayas or in the Italy,Greece,Turkey, Iran Region in the next couple of days.
Update 1711 hrs UTC on 23 September 2013
The twelfth deep focus damquake in the dreaded Bonin Isles Region:
Expect a dam related event like another deep
focus damquake or a strong to great damquake or damage to infrastructure
like a nuke facility or a dam in the Pacific Rim Region including the
Sumatra area and the Kilamantan area or in the region bounded by the longitudes spanning the
Himalayas or in the Italy, Greece, Turkey, Iran regions, in the next
couple of days.
Update 1032 hrs UTC on 23 Sep 2013
The eleventh deep focus damquake occurred in the Honshu Region:
Expect a dam related event like another deep
focus damquake or a strong to great damquake or damage to infrastructure
like a nuke facility or a dam in the Pacific Rim Region including the
Sumatra area and the Kilamantan area or in the region bounded by the longitudes spanning the
Himalayas or in the Italy, Greece, Turkey, Iran regions, in the next
couple of days.
Update 1531 hrs UTC on 22 September 2013
The tenth deep focus damquake:
Expect a dam related event like another deep
focus damquake or a strong to great damquake or damage to infrastructure
like a nuke facility or a dam in the Pacific Rim Region including the
Sumatra area or in the region bounded by the longitudes spanning the
Himalayas or in the Italy, Greece, Turkey, Iran regions, in the next
couple of days. The days are nearing when a major or great damquake usually occurs in fag end of the monsoon season when the dams are full.
Look at the hotspots here in Indonesia:
Total number of fires detected : 1150
Update 124 hrs UTC on 22 September 2013
The ninth deep focus damquake:
What a region for the portending of a dam related event like another deep
focus damquake or a strong to great damquake or damage to infrastructure
like a nuke facility or a dam in the Pacific Rim Region including the
Sumatra area or in the region bounded by the longitudes spanning the
Himalayas or in the Italy, Greece, Turkey, Iran regions, in the next
couple of days.
Update 520 hrs UTC on 21 September 2013
The eighth deep focus damquake and simultaneously a strong one in Flores Sea:
Await a dam related event like another deep
focus damquake or a strong to great damquake or damage to infrastructure
like a nuke facility or a dam in the Pacific Rim Region including the
Sumatra area or in the region bounded by the longitudes spanning the
Himalayas or in the Italy, Greece, Turkey, Iran regions, in the next
couple of days.
Update 444 hrs UTC on 20 Sep 2013
The Seventh deep focus damquake occurred in the Fiji Region:
Await a dam related event like another deep
focus damquake or a strong to great damquake or damage to infrastructure
like a nuke facility or a dam in the Pacific Rim Region including the
Sumatra area or in the region bounded by the longitudes spanning the
Himalayas or in the Italy, Greece, Turkey, Iran regions, in the next
couple of days.
Update at 202 hrs UTC on 20 Sep 2013
Sixth deep focus damquake:
Await a dam related event like another deep
focus damquake or a strong to great damquake or damage to infrastructure
like a nuke facility or a dam in the Pacific Rim Region including the
Sumatra area or in the region bounded by the longitudes spanning the
Himalayas or in the Italy, Greece, Turkey, Iran regions, in the next
couple of days.
Update 1149 hrs UTC on 19 Sep 2013
The fifth deep focus damquake
Await a dam related event like another deep
focus damquake or a strong to great damquake or damage to infrastructure
like a nuke facility or a dam in the Pacific Rim Region including the
Sumatra area or in the region bounded by the longitudes spanning the
Himalayas or in the Italy, Greece, Turkey, Iran regions, in the next
couple of days.
Update 18 Sep 2013 at 536 hrs UTC
The fourth deep focus damquake at PNG:
Await a dam related event like another deep
focus damquake or a strong to great damquake or damage to infrastructure
like a nuke facility or a dam in the Pacific Rim Region including the
Sumatra area or in the region bounded by the longitudes spanning the
Himalayas or in the Italy, Greece, Turkey, Iran regions, in the next
couple of days.
Update 142hrs UTC on 18 September 2013
The third deep focus damquake after the strong Alaska damquake:
Await a dam related event like another deep
focus damquake or a strong to great damquake or damage to infrastructure
like a nuke facility or a dam in the Pacific Rim Region including the
Sumatra area or in the region bounded by the longitudes spanning the
Himalayas or in the Italy, Greece, Turkey, Iran regions, in the next
couple of days.
Update at 151 UTC on 16 September 2013
As expected a strong damquake struck Alaska:
And thereafter two deep focus damquakes:
Await a dam related event like another deep
focus damquake or a strong to great damquake or damage to infrastructure
like a nuke facility or a dam in the Pacific Rim Region including the
Sumatra area or in the region bounded by the longitudes spanning the
Himalayas or in the Italy, Greece, Turkey, Iran regions, in the next
couple of days. Note Typhoon Man-Yi 13 is pointing straight at Fukushima, dams of the world exerting a surge of water moment wave there.
Expect a major damquake in the Fukushima Region in the next two days.
See the hotspot table:
Total number of fires detected : 5
Update 737 hrs UTC on 15 September 2013
12th deep focus damquake,Indonesia:
Await a dam related event like another deep
focus damquake or a strong to great damquake or damage to infrastructure
like a nuke facility or a dam in the Pacific Rim Region including the
Sumatra area or in the region bounded by the longitudes spanning the
Himalayas or in the Italy, Greece, Turkey, Iran regions, in the next
couple of days.
Update 15 September 627h UTC 2013
10th and 11th deep focus damquakes in Fiji Region:
Await a dam related event like another deep
focus damquake or a strong to great damquake or damage to infrastructure
like a nuke facility or a dam in the Pacific Rim Region including the
Sumatra area or in the region bounded by the longitudes spanning the
Himalayas or in the Italy, Greece, Turkey, Iran regions, in the next
couple of days.
Update for 14 September 2013
A dam related coal mine collapse this evening in Samangan, Afghanistan:
Samangan:Latitude = 36.2653, Longitude = 68.0167
Around the time of the mine collapse a damquake occurred in that region:
And the hotspots:
Total number of fires detected : 49
During August 2013, the surge waves of the world's dams correlated extremely significantly with the 2 day Hotspot mean for this region as can be seen from that for the 30 dam India Reservoir daily content change:
r 0.773, df 15, p 0.000272. The world's daily reservoir surge volume as determined from the daily damquake data, matches PERFECTLY(Chisquare distribution) the World's daily reservoir use data published officially! Wake up you specialists, stop holding sway over governance and loudly proclaim the truth and help put a stop to self destruction of Modern Civilization NOW.
Update at 1316 UTC 13 September 2013
9th deep focus damquake:
Await a dam related event like another deep
focus damquake or a strong to great damquake or damage to infrastructure
like a nuke facility or a dam in the Pacific Rim Region including the
Sumatra area or in the region bounded by the longitudes spanning the
Himalayas or in the Italy, Greece, Turkey, Iran regions, in the next
couple of days.
Update 541 UTC on 13 September 2013
Eighth deep focus damquake:
Await a dam related event like another deep
focus damquake or a strong to great damquake or damage to infrastructure
like a nuke facility or a dam in the Pacific Rim Region including the
Sumatra area or in the region bounded by the longitudes spanning the
Himalayas or in the Italy, Greece, Turkey, Iran regions, in the next
couple of days.
Perhaps the Colorado floods are a dam related event.Well analysis shows that they are.
Extremes of rain!
Update 952 UTC on 12 September 2013
Seventh deep focus damquake:
Await a dam related event like another deep
focus damquake or a strong to great damquake or damage to infrastructure
like a nuke facility or a dam in the Pacific Rim Region including the
Sumatra area or in the region bounded by the longitudes spanning the
Himalayas or in the Italy, Greece, Turkey, Iran regions, in the next
couple of days.
Update 452 UTC on 12 September 2013
Sixth deep focus damquake:
Await a dam related event like another deep
focus damquake or a strong to great damquake or damage to infrastructure
like a nuke facility or a dam in the Pacific Rim Region including the
Sumatra area or in the region bounded by the longitudes spanning the
Himalayas or in the Italy, Greece, Turkey, Iran regions, in the next
couple of days.
Update 11 September 2013 2 hrs UTC
Fifth deep focus damquake after the strong Gautemalan damquake:
Await .... etc! in a couple of days. I am ghastly serious:
Await a dam related event like another deep focus damquake or a strong to great damquake or damage to infrastructure like a nuke facility or a dam in the Pacific Rim Region including the Sumatra area or in the region bounded by the longitudes spanning the Himalayas or in the Italy, Greece, Turkey, Iran regions, in the next couple of days.
Update 9 September 2013 at 721 UTC
Fourth deep focus damquake after the strong damquake at Gautemala:
Actually it is the Sea of Okhotsk where this has struck. It is a premonition of dire consequences.
Await a dam related event like another deep focus damquake or a strong to great damquake or damage to infrastructure like a nuke facility or a dam in the Pacific Rim Region including the Sumatra area or in the region bounded by the longitudes spanning the Himalayas or in the Italy, Greece, Turkey, Iran regions, in the next couple of days.
Update 8 September 2013 at 1609 UTC
Third deep focus damquake after the strong damquake in Gautemala:
Await a dam related event like another deep
focus damquake or a strong to great damquake or damage to infrastructure
like a nuke facility or a dam in the Pacific Rim Region including the
Sumatra area or in the region bounded by the longitudes spanning the
Himalayas or in the Italy, Greece, Turkey, Iran regions, in the next
couple of days.
Update 7 September 2013 at 1553 UTC
Second deep focus damquake after the Gautemala strong damquake:
Await a dam related event like another deep
focus damquake or a strong to great damquake or damage to infrastructure
like a nuke facility or a dam in the Pacific Rim Region including the
Sumatra area or in the region bounded by the longitudes spanning the
Himalayas or in the Italy, Greece, Turkey, Iran regions, in the next
couple of days.
Update 7 September at 1044 UTC
First deep focus damquake after the Gautemala strong damquake:
Await a dam related event like another deep focus damquake or a strong to great damquake or damage to infrastructure like a nuke facility or a dam in the Pacific Rim Region including the Sumatra area or in the region bounded by the longitudes spanning the Himalayas or in the Italy, Greece, Turkey, Iran regions, in the next couple of days.
Update 7 September at 0235 UTC
A strong damquake hits Gautemala, the fifth strong damquake:
Update at 23:50 UTC on 6 September 2013
The first deep focus damquake after the strong damquake in Alaska:
Four strong damquakes followed this(USGS):
Update at 437 UTC on 4 Sep 2013
As expected a strong damquake struck Alaska:
Update 4 September 2013 at 115 UTC
The fourth deep focus damquake at Tonga was followed by a strong damquake at Queen Charlotte Isles:
This was followed by a deep focus and strong damquake at the Izu Isles Japan Region, portending a disastrous event:
Await a dam related event in the Pacific Rim Region or in China or in the Himalayas or in the Italy, Greece, Iran, Pakistan longitudes. Already with this Izu quake, Fukushima might have experienced damage pushing the World further down the road of a radiation calamity. enenews:
Update 3 Sep 2013 at 624 UTC
The third deep focus damquake after the strong damquake at PNG:
M4.4 - 13km SSE of Ndoi Island, Fiji
Update on 3 September 2013 at 151 UTC
The monthly peak magnitude damquake for September 2013 has a range of 7 to 7.9 MM and is expected to occur between 11 to 18 September 2013.
Update 2002 UTC on 2 Sep 2013
The second deep focus damquake after the strong PNG damquake:
Update 1253 UTC on 2 September 2013
First deep focus damquake after the PNG strong damquake:
Expect a dam related event as predicted at Update for 30 August 2013, in a couple of days.
It is scary: Check out
Update 0531 UTC on 2 September 2013
First deep focus damquake after major damquake in Alaska:
This was followed by a strong damquake on the Indonesian Ring of Fire on the Pacific Rim:
Thereafter a strong damquake in the Kermadec Is Region:
This was followed by the first deep focus damquake:
Then the second deep focus damquake:
This was followed by a strong(USGS) damquake:
Update 1642 UTC on 30 August 2013
A major damquake on the Alaskan Ring of Fire on the Pacific Rim as expected:
Update 1250 UTC on 30 August 2013
11th deep focus damquake is in Indonesia:
Await a catastrophe in the form of the projections as given in the 542 UTC update today below.
Update 30 August 2013 at 542 UTC
10th deep focus damquake in the Sea of Okhotsk, a grave premonition of dire things to come:
Await a dam related(because of the
cumulative effects of dams worldwide) catastrophic event like a nuclear
reactor explosion or destruction of infrastructure like a dam or a
forest fire or a cyclone or a deep focus damquake or a strong to great
damquake in the Pacific Rim Region or in China or on the Indian
subcontinent in the region bounded by the longitudes spanning the
Himalayas or in Turkey or Greece or Italy longitudes , in the next couple of days.
The hotspots in the Yosemite Region are still a huge number:
Total number of fires detected : 562
Update 1407 UTC on 29 August 2013
9th deep focus damquake:
Await a dam related(because of the
cumulative effects of dams worldwide) catastrophic event like a nuclear
reactor explosion or destruction of infrastructure like a dam or a
forest fire or a cyclone or a deep focus damquake or a strong to great
damquake in the Pacific Rim Region or in China or on the Indian
subcontinent in the region bounded by the longitudes spanning the
Himalayas or in Turkey or Greece or Italy longitudes , in the next couple of days.
What have these reports in common as antecedents?
And of course the ongoing Fukushima apocalypse of March 11 2011:
Update 12:11 on 29 August 2013
8th Deep focus damquake:
Expect a dam related event like a nuke explosion or a dam break or another deep focus damquake or strong to great damquake in the next couple of days -see Update for 28 August 2013 at 500 hrs UTC below.
Update 0500 UTC on 28 August 2013
The 7th deep focus damquake but a strong one at that occurred in New Zealand:
This was followed by a deep focus damquake in the Fiji area:
Await a dam related(because of the
cumulative effects of dams worldwide) catastrophic event like a nuclear
reactor explosion or destruction of infrastructure like a dam or a
forest fire or a cyclone or a deep focus damquake or a strong to great
damquake in the Pacific Rim Region or in China or on the Indian
subcontinent in the region bounded by the longitudes spanning the
Himalayas or in Turkey or Greece or Italy longitudes , in the next couple of days.
Update at 1309 UTC 26 August 2013
The 6th deep focus damquake, epicenter Bolivia after the strong damquake in Mexico :
Update 26 August 2013 at 515 UTC
The fifth deep focus damquake after the strong damquake in Mexico:
Await a dam related(because of the
cumulative effects of dams worldwide) catastrophic event like a nuclear
reactor explosion or destruction of infrastructure like a dam or a
forest fire or a cyclone or a deep focus damquake or a strong to great
damquake in the Pacific Rim Region or in China or on the Indian
subcontinent in the region bounded by the longitudes spanning the
Himalayas or in Turkey or Greece or Italy longitudes , in the next couple of days.
However already the World's Dams, by the application of the Precautionary Principle, are the cause of the raging California Forest Fires playing havoc in Yosemite National Park, the surge wave of the dams heating up the area is like applying a water moment surge equivalent to a great 8 Magnitude Damquake. Extremes have arrived long back heralding the self destruction of modern civilization. See by Googling for
The hotspots are massive in the area(Web Fire Mapper, NASA):
Total number of fires detected : 800
Update 1119 UTC on 25 August 2013
In the region of the Far East Russia in the wake of devastating floods a deep focus damquake has struck, the 4th one after the strong Mexican damquake as expected:
By applying the precautionary principle we determine that a water moment surge wave owing to a world wide dam content change of 12.75 BCM struck the Amur River Region. Even though the stress build up is that of a water moment surge equivalent to a 7.7 MM damquake only a 4.3 MM magnitude damquake occurred. Thus possibly the dam related event is the combination of the devastating floods and this heat producing damquake. However expect a dam related event in the next couple of days as expected below(Update 24 August 2013 at 6:00 UTC).
Update 24th August 2013 at 6:00 UTC
Third deep focus damquake:
Second deep focus damquake after the strong damquake in Mexico:
Await a dam related(because of the
cumulative effects of dams worldwide) catastrophic event like a nuclear
reactor explosion or destruction of infrastructure like a dam or a
forest fire or a cyclone or a deep focus damquake or a strong to great
damquake in the Pacific Rim Region or in China or on the Indian
subcontinent in the region bounded by the longitudes spanning the
Himalayas or in Turkey or Greece or Italy longitudes , in the next couple of days.
Belief in the truth of a law increases in direct proportion to the number of favourable instances of the law; Kyshtym(1957), Windscale(1957), Chernobyl(1986), Narora(1993), Kursk Nuke Sub(2000), 7.6 MM damquake Bhuj(2001), Kashiwasaki Kariwa(2007), Kosi (2008), Pakistan Flash Floods(2010), Leh Cloud Burst and calamity(2010), Fukushima(2011), 8.8 MM damquake off shore Bio Bio Chile(2010), Twin great damquakes off Banda Aceh(2012), Kedar Dom Dam Doom Uttarakhand(2013), Sindhurakshak submarine explosions Mumbai(2013) all, apart from others like the Louisiana Sinkhole, by the application of the Precautionary Principle, have the World's Dams as their contributory COMMON cause. The doubting of these extremes are countered by my articles which can be accessed by Googling for Ramaswami Ashok Kumar and clicking on my complete profile.
Update 0637 UTC on 22 August 2013
The first deep focus damquake after the strong damquake in Mexico:
Await a dam related(because of the cumulative effects of dams worldwide) catastrophic event like a nuclear reactor explosion or destruction of infrastructure like a dam or a forest fire or a cyclone or a deep focus damquake or a strong to great damquake in the Pacific Rim Region or in China or on the Indian subcontinent in the region bounded by the longitudes spanning the Himalayas or in Turkey or Greece or Italy longitudes.
Update 1326 UTC on 21 August 2013
After the fifth deep focus damquake a strong damquake struck Guerrero,Mexico on the Pacific Rim as expected:
Update 19 August 2013 at 12:52 UTC
The fifth deep focus dam quake after the strong damquake on Southwest Indian Ridge:
Expect a dam related event like a huge forest fire or a nuke explosion or a dam collapse or a deep focus damquake or
a strong to great damquake in the Pacific Rim Region or in the
longitude band bounded by Himalayas in the next couple of days
Update 0145 UTC on 19 August 2013
The third deep focus damquake:
The fourth deep focus damquake:
Expect a dam related event like a huge forest fire or a nuke explosion or a dam collapse or a deep focus damquake or
a strong to great damquake in the Pacific Rim Region or in the
longitude band bounded by Himalayas in the next couple of days.
Update 1709 UTC on 18 Aug 2013
The second deep focus damquake after the strong quake on Southwest Indian Ridge:
Expect a dam related event like a huge forest fire or a nuke explosion or a deep focus damquake
or a strong to great damquake in the Pacific Rim Region or in the longitude band bounded by Himalayas in the next couple of days.
Update 1547 UTC on 18 Aug 2013
The first deep focus damquake after a strong damquake on the Southwest Indian Ridge:
Expect a dam related event like a huge forest fire or a nuke explosion or a deep focus damquake
or a strong to great damquake in the Pacific Rim Region or in the longitude band bounded by Himalayas in the next couple of days.
Update 17 Aug 2013 at 1710 hrs UTC
As expected after the third deep focus damquake a strong damquake struck:
Update 1343 UTC on 17 Aug 2013
The third deep focus damquake after the Cook Strait strong damquake:
Expect a dam related event other than a damquake. Or a deep focus damquake or a strong to great damquake in the Pacific Rim Region(Japan preferred location) or in the Himalayas in the next couple of days.
Update 1135 UTC 2013-08-17
The second deep focus damquake struck South of Fiji(USGS):
Expect a dam related event other than a quake or a deep focus damquake or a strong to great damquake in the Pacific Rim or in the Himalayas in the next couple of days.
Update 953 UTC on 16 August 2013
The first deep focus damquake struck Celebes Sea after the Cook Strait strong damquake:
The Japanese Islands are bristling with swarms of hotspots. Watch out for a damquake there.
Update 632 UTC on16 August 2013
A strong damquake struck Cook Strait New Zealand:
Note that on 2013-08-13 a dam related event may have caused the explosion and sinking of the Indian submarine INS Sindhurakshak. See
Updated: 2013-08-15 12:27:36 UTC
Japan has heated up into a swarm of hotspots:
Total number of fires detected : 165
Total number of fires detected : 89
Total number of fires detected : 87
Total number of fires detected : 41
For 48 hrs there have been no quakes in Japan.
Watch out!
Updated: 2013-08-13 16:12:30 UTC
A strong damquake struck the Panama Region as expected after the deep focus damquake near the South Coast of Honshu:
Update 13 August 2013 at 4:33 UTC
The first deep focus damquake after the strong shallow one off the coast of Northern Peru:
But trees act as giant pumps
And are masters of gravity
Osmosis and transpiration
Enable trees to distribute pure water
Equitably in proportion
To the density of vegetation
They defy gravity
Reforest heavily
Then dams become redundant
Dismantle them for harmony and health
Give some space for nature
And see the difference full of rapture
Dams cause nukes to explode!
More Fukushames certain then.
Update 0448 hrs UTC 26 October 2013
A major damquake off the East Coast of Honshu 268 km from Fukushima Daichi Nuclear Plant(37.423,141.033):
2013-10-25 17:10:17.0 11hr 35min ago | 37.22 | N | 144.66 | E | 10 | 7.1 | OFF EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN |
2013-10-25 20:34:21.0 8hr 15min ago | 6.69 | S | 127.08 | E | 409 | 4.6 | BANDA SEA |
See the confluence of Francisco-13 and Lekima-13 with the Fukushima major damquake:
See of today:
Latest Headlines:
Await a dam related event like a deep focus damquake or a strong to great damquake
or infrastructure damage like nuclear reactor system damage or hurricanes and extreme rains and flash floods,landslides in the Pacific Rim Region, China, Indonesia, in the region bounded by the longitudes spanning the Himalayas(high probability) or in the Italy,Greece,Turkey, Iran ,Afghanistan Region in the next couple of days. The ferocity of Phailin, Narda and Nari and now Wipha followed by Lekma-13 and Francisco-13 may result in a major or great damquake in Turkey or the Himalayas or China or Japan.
Already Australian bush fires on 100000 hectares caused by the dams of the world,applying the precautionary principle scientifically holistically-public interest science.
Update 1112 hrs UTC 25 October 2013:
First damquake after the East of South Sandwich Isles strong damquake:
2013-10-25 10:44:15.0 27min ago | 7.78 | S | 117.40 | E | 300 | 4.5 | BALI SEA |
or infrastructure damage like nuclear reactor system damage or hurricanes and extreme rains and flash floods,landslides in the Pacific Rim Region, China, Indonesia, in the region bounded by the longitudes spanning the Himalayas(high probability) or in the Italy,Greece,Turkey, Iran ,Afghanistan Region in the next couple of days. The ferocity of Phailin, Narda and Nari and now Wipha may result in a major or great damquake in Turkey or the Himalayas or China or Japan.
Already Australian bush fires on 100000 hectares caused by the dams of the world,applying the precautionary principle scientifically holistically-public interest science.
Again a mysterious damquake in the North Pacific Ocean:
2013-10-25 03:27:21.4 23min ago | 29.97 | N | 173.62 | E | 10 | 5.7 | NORTH PACIFIC OCEAN |
This is being repeated by EMSC: It has been deleted. This North Pacific Ocean damquake has been entered before several times by EMSC and subsequently deleted. But I retain it here for later analysis.
Pageviews 18 to 25 October 2013:
US 151,Ukraine 5, Russia 4, UK 3, S Korea 3, China 2, India 2, NZ 2, Aus 1, Bangladesh 1, Total 174.
As expected a strong damquake:
2013-10-24 19:25:15.0 8hr 11min ago | 58.19 | S | 12.79 | W | 60 | 6.7 | EAST OF SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS |
I have discussed several times in this article set about related longitude bands. Thus this longitude is related to 77 by the relation 90-12.79=77.21! The latest damquake illustrating this phenomenon is
2013-10-24 14:44:32.0 | 5.16 | N | 77.95 | W | 10 | 5.0 | NEAR WEST COAST OF COLOMBIA |
Total number of fires detected : 418
Latitude | Longitude | Date | Time | Brightness | Confidence | Scan | Track | Satellite | Version | Bright.T31 | FRP |
29.676 | 76.759 | 2013-10-23 | 08:25 | 316.8 | 67 | 1.6 | 1.2 | A | 5.0 | 300.4 | 17.8 |
29.588 | 75.854 | 2013-10-23 | 08:25 | 318.4 | 70 | 1.4 | 1.2 | A | 5.0 | 302.3 | 16.7 |
29.488 | 74.989 | 2013-10-23 | 08:25 | 318.1 | 69 | 1.2 | 1.1 | A | 5.0 | 304.5 | 12.4 |
29.706 | 76.722 | 2013-10-23 | 08:25 | 316.2 | 64 | 1.6 | 1.2 | A | 5.0 | 300.4 | 18.2 |
29.614 | 75.893 | 2013-10-23 | 08:25 | 314.6 | 61 | 1.4 | 1.2 | A | 5.0 | 302.2 | 12.2 |
And hotspots from the 18th October 2013:
Total number of fires detected : 1589
Latitude | Longitude | Date | Time | Brightness | Confidence | Scan | Track | Satellite | Version | Bright.T31 | FRP |
30.822 | 74.738 | 2013-10-18 | 06:35 | 318.4 | 69 | 4.2 | 1.9 | T | 5.0 | 298.0 | 94.0 |
30.792 | 74.543 | 2013-10-18 | 06:35 | 315.2 | 63 | 4.1 | 1.9 | T | 5.0 | 299.6 | 56.5 |
29.852 | 76.221 | 2013-10-18 | 08:10 | 327.4 | 80 | 1.0 | 1.0 | A | 5.0 | 304.6 | 20.3 |
29.789 | 75.781 | 2013-10-18 | 08:10 | 315.0 | 61 | 1.0 | 1.0 | A | 5.0 | 302.4 | 7.6 |
29.939 | 76.773 | 2013-10-18 | 08:10 | 320.6 | 73 | 1.0 | 1.0 | A | 5.0 | 303.2 | 12.0 |
For others see immediately below in this update.
Eighth deep focus damquake:
2013-10-24 11:15:22.0 2hr 38min ago | 22.67 | S | 67.68 | W | 308 | 3.6 | POTOSI, BOLIVIA |
Seventh deep focus damquake at the dreaded Izu Isles:
2013-10-23 21:46:51.0 4hr 27min ago | 30.73 | N | 138.86 | E | 412 | 4.0 | IZU ISLANDS, JAPAN REGION |
Sixth deep focus damquake:
2013-10-23 16:32:42.2 21min ago | 22.64 | S | 179.52 | E | 633 | 4.9 | SOUTH OF FIJI ISLANDS |
Fifth Deep Focus Damquake:
2013-10-22 11:06:44.9 | 2.69 | N | 122.08 | E | 545 | 4.2 | CELEBES SEA |
Fourth Deep Focus Damquake:
2013-10-22 11:02:36.0 5hr 22min ago | 2.81 | N | 121.93 | E | 534 | 4.3 | CELEBES SEA |
Third deep focus daquake:
2013-10-21 07:09:59.0 1hr 21min ago | 3.70 | N | 123.51 | E | 506 | 4.7 | CELEBES SEA |
Second deep focus damquake in the dreaded Izu Isles, Japan:
2013-10-20 23:12:43.0 5hr 02min ago | 31.60 | N | 138.40 | E | 366 | 4.2 | IZU ISLANDS, JAPAN REGION |
The collapse of the Rohtang tunnel and these quakes have occurred in the same longitude band(77):
2013-10-21 02:27:16.0 2hr 00min ago | 35.36 | N | 77.06 | E | 60 | 5.4 | KASHMIR-XINJIANG BORDER REGION |
2013-10-20 19:45:04.0 8hr 43min ago | 35.81 | N | 77.48 | E | 69 | 5.5 | KASHMIR-XINJIANG BORDER REGION |
2013-10-18 22:14:40.0 | 40.09 | N | 77.38 | E | 1 | 4.1 | SOUTHERN XINJIANG, CHINA |
How many times did the world's dam surges pass Rohtang Pass!
First deep focus damquake after the strong shallow one in the Gulf of Calif::
2013-10-20 04:01:55.0 28min ago | 23.90 | S | 179.13 | E | 534 | 4.7 | SOUTH OF FIJI ISLANDS |
or infrastructure damage like nuclear reactor system damage or hurricanes and extreme rains and flash floods,landslides in the Pacific Rim Region, China, Indonesia, in the region bounded by the longitudes spanning the Himalayas(high probability) or in the Italy,Greece,Turkey, Iran ,Afghanistan Region in the next couple of days. The ferocity of Phailin, Narda and Nari and now Wipha may result in a major or great damquake in Turkey or the Himalayas or China or Japan.
Already Australian bush fires on 100000 hectares caused by the dams of the world,applying the precautionary principle scientifically holistically-public interest science.
A strong damquake on the Pacific Rim as predicted:
2013-10-19 17:54:58.0 10hr 34min ago | 26.37 | N | 110.17 | W | 10 | 6.5 | GULF OF CALIFORNIA |
Fourth deep focus damquake:
2013-10-19 06:46:18.0 3hr 53min ago | 7.10 | S | 125.12 | E | 540 | 4.3 | KEPULAUAN BARAT DAYA, INDONESIA |
Third deep focus damquake:
2013-10-19 04:50:20.0 5hr 46min ago | 20.79 | S | 178.50 | W | 587 | 4.5 | FIJI REGION |
Second deep focus damquake:
2013-10-18 18:01:41.0 | 19.66 | S | 176.73 | W | 313 | 4.9 | FIJI REGION |
The first deep focus damquake:
2013-10-18 06:34:15.0 | 3.89 | N | 122.72 | E | 564 | 4.3 | CELEBES SEA |
or infrastructure damage like nuclear reactor system damage or hurricanes and extreme rains and flash floods,landslides in the Pacific Rim Region, China, Indonesia, in the region bounded by the longitudes spanning the Himalayas or in the Italy,Greece,Turkey, Iran ,Afghanistan Region in the next couple of days. The ferocity of Phailin, Narda and Nari and now Wipha may result in a major or great damquake in Turkey or the Himalayas or China or Japan.
Yes already China had a mine explosion(17 October 2013):
And Rohtang tunnel collapses(32.37,77.25):
How many times did the world's dam surges pass Rohtang Pass!
See these passes:
(See more at EMSC site)
2013-10-17 09:17:46.0 | 42.20 | N | 26.27 | E | 8 | 2.3 | BULGARIA |
2013-10-17 08:45:13.0 | 24.00 | S | 67.64 | W | 206 | 3.9 | ANTOFAGASTA, CHILE |
2013-10-17 08:43:31.2 | 36.69 | N | 44.58 | E | 10 | 2.9 | IRAN-IRAQ BORDER REGION |
2013-10-17 08:26:09.0 | 22.45 | S | 68.43 | W | 135 | 3.1 | ANTOFAGASTA, CHILE |
2013-10-17 08:13:32.6 | 38.71 | N | 43.23 | E | 13 | 2.1 | EASTERN TURKEY |
2013-10-17 08:09:20.0 | 12.09 | N | 88.57 | W | 40 | 4.2 | OFF THE COAST OF EL SALVADOR |
2013-10-17 07:53:37.0 | 36.79 | N | 32.59 | E | 16 | 1.9 | CENTRAL TURKEY |
2013-10-17 07:42:15.0 | 21.32 | S | 69.00 | W | 106 | 2.8 | ANTOFAGASTA, CHILE |
2013-10-17 07:04:49.7 | 36.79 | N | 44.65 | E | 2 | 3.0 | IRAN-IRAQ BORDER REGION |
2013-10-17 06:48:09.0 | 20.26 | S | 70.03 | W | 42 | 2.5 | TARAPACA, CHILE |
2013-10-17 06:39:13.4 | 39.02 | N | 37.25 | E | 8 | 1.9 | CENTRAL TURKEY |
2013-10-17 06:31:44.0 | 6.69 | S | 154.85 | E | 30 | 4.8 | BOUGAINVILLE REGION, P.N.G. |
2013-10-17 06:19:20.0 | 42.62 | N | 74.89 | E | 5 | 3.9 | KYRGYZSTAN |
2013-10-17 05:46:03.0 | 10.06 | N | 124.17 | E | 13 | 4.7 | LEYTE, PHILIPPINES |
2013-10-17 05:15:27.0 | 32.57 | S | 71.68 | W | 22 | 3.2 | OFFSHORE VALPARAISO, CHILE |
2013-10-17 04:40:26.4 | 38.98 | N | 38.06 | E | 10 | 1.9 | EASTERN TURKEY |
2013-10-17 02:07:02.0 | 22.73 | S | 69.09 | W | 89 | 2.9 | ANTOFAGASTA, CHILE |
2013-10-17 00:22:09.0 | 41.35 | N | 19.94 | E | 5 | 2.2 | ALBANIA |
2013-10-17 00:10:58.0 | 34.76 | S | 71.90 | W | 49 | 4.1 | LIBERTADOR O'HIGGINS, CHILE |
2013-10-16 10:31:03.0 19min ago | 6.66 | S | 154.78 | E | 45 | 7.1(down to 6.8 later!) | BOUGAINVILLE REGION, P.N.G. |
Oshima, a small island south of Tokyo, reported 824 mm (32.44 inches) of rain from the storm in less than 24 hours.
Simultaneously on several fronts attack the dams of the world:
The second deep focus damquake:
2013-10-15 17:13:51.0 11hr 40min ago | 7.09 | S | 125.78 | E | 512 | 4.5 | KEPULAUAN BARAT DAYA, INDONESIA |
First deep focus damquake:
2013-10-15 03:03:29.0 6hr 09min ago | 20.98 | S | 177.22 | W | 419 | 4.8 | FIJI REGION |
or infrastructure damage like nuclear reactor system damage or hurricanes and extreme rains and flash floods,landslides in the Pacific Rim Region, China, Indonesia, in the region bounded by the longitudes spanning the Himalayas or in the Italy,Greece,Turkey, Iran ,Afghanistan Region in the next couple of days. The ferocity of Phailin, Narda and Nari and now Wipha may result in a major or great damquake in Turkey or the Himalayas or China or Japan.
As expected a major damquake in the Philippines, Pacific Rim:
2013-10-15 00:12:31.0 8hr 59min ago | 9.93 | N | 124.16 | E | 7 | 7.1 | BOHOL, PHILIPPINES |
And the other dam related event is severe cyclone Phailin-13 causing flash floods in Orissa with 900000 people evacuated and 15 dead.
The average picture for the monthly peak magnitude damquake for October 2013 is a damquake in the range 7.3 to 7.8 expected between 15 to 21 October 2013.
See the Table at
The second deep focus damquake, Fiji:
2013-10-14 16:09:09.0 | 18.52 | S | 178.00 | W | 541 | 5.0 | FIJI REGION |
A deep focus damquake in Banda Sea:
2013-10-14 05:19:50.9 4hr 24min ago | 6.97 | S | 125.59 | E | 483 | 4.3 | BANDA SEA |
or infrastructure damage like nuclear reactor system damage or hurricanes and extreme rains and flash floods,landslides in the Pacific Rim Region, China, Indonesia, in the region bounded by the longitudes spanning the Himalayas or in the Italy,Greece,Turkey, Iran ,Afghanistan Region in the next couple of days. The ferocity of Phailn, Narda and Nari may result in a major or great damquake in Turkey or the Himalayas or China or Japan.
A strong damquake in Greece:
2013-10-12 13:11:54.0 3hr 17min ago | 35.56 | N | 23.31 | E | 47 | 6.4 | CRETE, GREECE |
2013-10-12 11:12:43.0 5hr 12min ago | 54.43 | N | 153.19 | E | 603 | 4.0 | SEA OF OKHOTSK |
Then, as expected again and again, a snapshot of strong damquakes after 5 deep focus damquakes:
2013-10-12 02:10:28.0 2hr 30min ago | 10.83 | N | 62.29 | W | 66 | 6.0 | OFFSHORE SUCRE, VENEZUELA |
2013-10-11 21:25:01.0 7hr 16min ago | 30.84 | S | 178.83 | W | 146 | 6.2 | KERMADEC ISLANDS, NEW ZEALAND |
The fifth deep focus damquake:
2013-10-10 10:43:53.0 1hr 14min ago | 24.78 | S | 179.58 | W | 511 | 5.0 | SOUTH OF FIJI ISLANDS |
The fourth deep focus damquake:
2013-10-09 01:01:59.0 4hr 23min ago | 20.37 | S | 177.72 | W | 428 | 4.2 | FIJI REGION |
2013-10-08 01:39:23.0 3hr 28min ago | 20.70 | S | 178.65 | W | 588 | 4.7 | FIJI REGION |
The second deep focus damquake, in Western Honshu!
2013-10-07 14:21:01.0 1hr 29min ago | 34.45 | N | 136.06 | E | 381 | 4.4 | WESTERN HONSHU, JAPAN |
The first deep focus damquake after the two strong damquakes:
2013-10-07 11:53:51.0 53min ago | 7.23 | N | 124.83 | E | 352 | 4.6 | MINDANAO, PHILIPPINES |
or infrastructure damage like nuclear reactor system damage or hurricanes and extreme rains and flash floods,landslides in the Pacific Rim Region, China, Indonesia, in the region bounded by the longitudes spanning the Himalayas or in the Italy,Greece,Turkey, Iran ,Afghanistan Region in the next couple of days. The ferocity of Phailn, Narda and Nari may result in a major or great damquake in Turkey or the Himalayas or China or Japan.
Update 204 hrs UTC 7 October 2013
As expected a strong damquake has occurred in the Mariana Isles Region:
2013-10-06 16:38:12.0 9hr 22min ago | 12.31 | N | 141.66 | E | 127 | 6.0 | MARIANA ISLANDS REGION |
2013-10-06 21:33:22.0 7hr 32min ago | 36.42 | S | 97.47 | W | 15 | 6.2 | WEST CHILE RISE |
Update 0427 hrs UTC 6 October 2013
The third deep focus damquake:
2013-10-05 20:50:29.0 7hr 27min ago | 21.78 | S | 179.14 | W | 580 | 4.8 | FIJI REGION |
The second deep focus damquake:
2013-10-05 11:06:55.0 1hr 25min ago | 17.57 | S | 178.94 | W | 522 | 4.6 | FIJI REGION |
The first deep focus damquake after the strong damquake at Mid Indian Ridge:
2013-10-05 05:29:32.0 1hr 36min ago | 19.93 | S | 178.34 | W | 581 | 4.5 | FIJI REGION |
or infrastructure damage like nuclear reactor system damage or hurricanes and extreme rains and flash floods,landslides in the Pacific Rim Region, China, Indonesia, in the region bounded by the longitudes spanning the Himalayas or in the Italy,Greece,Turkey, Iran ,Afghanistan Region in the next couple of days.
Update 541 hrs UTC 5 October 2013
As expected a strong damquake hit the Mid Indian Ridge(in the Region of the longitudes bounded by the Himalayas):
2013-10-04 17:26:17.0 | 38.76 | S | 78.48 | E | 33 | 6.4 | MID-INDIAN RIDGE |
Update 1303 hrs UTC on 04 October 2013
Ninth deep focus damquake in the dreaded Bonin Isles Region, Japan:
2013-10-04 12:30:48.0 29min ago | 27.67 | N | 140.07 | E | 484 | 4.8 | BONIN ISLANDS, JAPAN REGION |
The eighth deep focus damquake:
2013-10-03 21:40:46 7hr 48min ago | 23.32 | S | 179.70 | W | 541 | 4.8 | SOUTH OF FIJI ISLANDS |
The seventh deep focus damquake in the dreaded Izu Islands Region:
2013-10-03 04:23:00.0 28min ago | 29.48 | N | 138.90 | E | 453 | 4.4 | IZU ISLANDS, JAPAN REGION |
The sixth deep focus damquake:
2013-10-03 00:46:09.0 29min ago | 18.44 | S | 177.89 | W | 447 | 4.5 | FIJI REGION |
The fifth deep focus damquake:
2013-10-02 04:10:09.8 57min ago | 18.00 | S | 178.46 | W | 574 | 4.6 | FIJI REGION |
The fourth deep focus damquake:
2013-10-01 20:03:11. 5hr 49min ago | 21.36 | S | 179.16 | W | 608 | 4.7 | FIJI REGION |
The third deep focus damquake and it is also a strong one in the dreaded Sea of Okhotsk:
2013-10-01 03:38:21.0 1hr 38min ago | 53.21 | N | 152.81 | E | 570 | 6.7 | SEA OF OKHOTSK |
The second deep focus damquake after the strong damquake at Kermadec Isles, New Zealand:
2013-09-30 19:06:10.9 5hr 57min ago | 21.09 | S | 178.92 | W | 636 | 4.7 | FIJI REGION |
or infrastructure damage like nuclear reactor system damage or hurricanes and extreme rains and flash floods,landslides in the Pacific Rim Region, China, Indonesia, in the region bounded by the longitudes spanning the Himalayas or in the Italy,Greece,Turkey, Iran ,Afghanistan Region in the next couple of days.
The average picture for the monthly peak magnitude damquake for October 2013 is a damquake in the range 7.3 to 7.8 expected between 15 to 21 October 2013.
See the Table at
Update 1435 hrs UTC on 30 September 2013
First deep focus damquake after the strong Pakistan damquake on 28 Sep 2013:
2013-09-29 16:25:04.0 | 23.65 | S | 179.69 | W | 535 | 4.7 | SOUTH OF FIJI ISLANDS |
2013-09-30 05:55:55.0 9hr 03min ago | 30.92 | S | 178.26 | W | 40 | 6.4 | KERMADEC ISLANDS, NEW ZEALAND |
2013-09-30 10:08:07.0 4hr 53min ago | 21.07 | S | 179.11 | W | 620 | 5.2 | FIJI REGION |
or infrastructure damage like nuclear reactor system damage or hurricanes and extreme rains and flash floods,landslides in the Pacific Rim Region, China, Indonesia, in the region bounded by the longitudes spanning the Himalayas or in the Italy,Greece,Turkey, Iran ,Afghanistan Region in the next couple of days.
Update 1133 hrs UTC on 28 September 2013
As expected a strong damquake struck in the same location almost as the major damquake struck Pakistan, Awaran:
See this important piece of Rappler News: This was a new damquake, not an aftershock:
Update 0603 hrs UTC on 28 SEPTEMBER 2013
Deep focus damquakes three and four:
2013-09-27,15:17:07 UTC, -20.45,-177.84,546,4.4 MM,Fiji Region
2013-09-27,18:36:40 UTC,43.58,134.4,421,4.7 mb,Primor'ye Russia
Await a dam related event like another deep focus damquake, a strong to great damquake
or infrastructure damage like nuclear reactor system damage or hurricanes and extreme rains and flash floods,landslides in the Pacific Rim Region, China, Indonesia, in the region bounded by the longitudes spanning the Himalayas or in the Italy,Greece,Turkey, Iran ,Afghanistan Region in the next couple of days.
Update 1305 hrs on 27 September 2013
As expected a major damquake occurred after the dreaded Bonin Isles deep focus damquake:
2013-09-24 at 112948.95 hrs UTC 26.9997, 65.5143, 20, 7.7 MM, Awaran, Pakistan.
This was followed by three deep focus damquakes:
2013-09-24, 204151, -17.85, -178.56, 552, 4.5 Fiji Region
2013-09-25,033420,-19.87,179.91,467,4.5 South of Fiji
2013-09-25,033420.3,-19.87,179.91,467,4.5 South of Fiji
Thereafter a strong damquake on SE Pacific Rise:
2013-09-25,065123,-50.03,-113.77,10,6.0 South East Pacific Rise
Thereafter a major damquake near coast of Southern Peru:
Thereafter two deep focus damquakes
2013-09-25,164327,39.29,15.21,314,2.8 Southern Italy.
2013-09-26,112350,-21.80,-179.33,616,4.8 Fiji Region.
Await a dam related event like another deep focus damquake, a strong to great damquake
or infrastructure damage like nuclear reactor system damage or hurricanes and extreme rains and flash floods,landslides in the Pacific Rim Region, China, Indonesia, in the region bounded by the longitudes spanning the Himalayas or in the Italy,Greece,Turkey, Iran Region in the next couple of days.
Update 1711 hrs UTC on 23 September 2013
The twelfth deep focus damquake in the dreaded Bonin Isles Region:
2013-09-23 16:40:30.0 29min ago | 28.46 | N | 138.68 | E | 545 | 5.1 | BONIN ISLANDS, JAPAN REGION |
Update 1032 hrs UTC on 23 Sep 2013
The eleventh deep focus damquake occurred in the Honshu Region:
2013-09-23 08:07:42.2 2hr 21min ago | 33.69 | N | 137.29 | E | 344 | 4.2 | NEAR S. COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN |
Update 1531 hrs UTC on 22 September 2013
The tenth deep focus damquake:
2013-09-22 11:12:21.5 4hr 15min ago | 52.53 | N | 152.72 | E | 500 | 3.6 | NORTHWEST OF KURIL ISLANDS |
Look at the hotspots here in Indonesia:
Total number of fires detected : 1150
Latitude | Longitude | Date | Time | Brightness | Confidence | Scan | Track | Satellite | Version | Bright.T31 | FRP |
-0.59 | 109.969 | 2013-09-21 | 03:45 | 313.4 | 51 | 3.8 | 1.8 | T | 5.0 | 293.1 | 66.7 |
-0.597 | 109.961 | 2013-09-21 | 03:45 | 313.1 | 57 | 3.8 | 1.8 | T | 5.0 | 293.2 | 69.9 |
-3.272 | 113.877 | 2013-09-21 | 06:40 | 315.5 | 58 | 4.4 | 1.9 | A | 5.0 | 290.0 | 114.2 |
-2.101 | 114.223 | 2013-09-21 | 14:25 | 328.9 | 100 | 2.2 | 1.4 | T | 5.0 | 292.4 | 105.7 |
-2.444 | 114.588 | 2013-09-21 | 14:25 | 305.1 | 21 | 2.1 | 1.4 | T | 5.0 | 291.7 | 22.4 |
Update 124 hrs UTC on 22 September 2013
The ninth deep focus damquake:
2013-09-21 15:11:22.6 10hr 16min ago | 33.92 | N | 136.64 | E | 375 | 4.2 | NEAR S. COAST OF WESTERN HONSHU |
Update 520 hrs UTC on 21 September 2013
The eighth deep focus damquake and simultaneously a strong one in Flores Sea:
2013-09-21 01:39:15.0 3hr 37min ago | 7.42 | S | 120.00 | E | 542 | 6.1(USGS) | FLORES SEA |
Update 444 hrs UTC on 20 Sep 2013
The Seventh deep focus damquake occurred in the Fiji Region:
2013-09-20 01:55:35.2 2hr 47min ago | 20.50 | S | 178.60 | W | 588 | 4.7 | FIJI REGION |
Update at 202 hrs UTC on 20 Sep 2013
Sixth deep focus damquake:
2013-09-20 01:02:03.0 58min ago | 52.15 | N | 152.85 | E | 421 | 4.4 | NORTHWEST OF KURIL ISLANDS |
Update 1149 hrs UTC on 19 Sep 2013
The fifth deep focus damquake
2013-09-19 11:04:36.0 44min ago | 5.07 | N | 124.73 | E | 371 | 4.5 | MINDANAO, PHILIPPINES |
Update 18 Sep 2013 at 536 hrs UTC
The fourth deep focus damquake at PNG:
M 4.5 - New Ireland region, Papua New Guinea
- Time
- Location
- 3.840°S 153.928°E
- Depth
- 327.8km
Update 142hrs UTC on 18 September 2013
The third deep focus damquake after the strong Alaska damquake:
2013-09-18 00:32:37.6 1hr 13min ago | 3.17 | N | 122.67 | E | 537 | 4.5 | CELEBES SEA |
Update at 151 UTC on 16 September 2013
As expected a strong damquake struck Alaska:
2013-09-15 16:21:39.0 9hr 28min ago | 51.69 | N | 174.74 | W | 30 | 6.2 | ANDREANOF ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN IS. |
2013-09-15 23:52:51.09 hr 58min ago | 28.33 | N | 139.47 | E | 440 | 4.6 | BONIN ISLANDS, JAPAN REGION |
2013-09-16 00:14:07.8 1hr 39min ago | 20.39 | S | 177.71 | W | 515 | 4.3 | FIJI REGION |
Expect a major damquake in the Fukushima Region in the next two days.
See the hotspot table:
Total number of fires detected : 5
Latitude | Longitude | Date | Time | Brightness | Confidence | Scan | Track | Satellite | Version | Bright.T31 | FRP |
35.932 | 140.673 | 2013-09-15 | 04:10 | 316.9 | 0 | 1.7 | 1.3 | A | 5.0 | 297.3 | 20.9 |
36.077 | 138.079 | 2013-09-13 | 01:05 | 311.8 | 23 | 2.3 | 1.5 | T | 5.0 | 295.8 | 34.6 |
36.079 | 138.054 | 2013-09-13 | 01:05 | 311.3 | 26 | 2.3 | 1.5 | T | 5.0 | 295.8 | 32.8 |
35.928 | 140.682 | 2013-09-13 | 01:05 | 317.1 | 0 | 1.6 | 1.2 | T | 5.0 | 293.6 | 15.7 |
35.931 | 140.672 | 2013-09-13 | 04:20 | 316.6 | 0 | 2.6 | 1.6 | A | 5.0 | 293.5 | 36.0 |
Update 737 hrs UTC on 15 September 2013
12th deep focus damquake,Indonesia:
2013-09-15 07:15:53.0 18min ago | 7.65 | S | 117.39 | E | 303 | 4.5 | BALI SEA |
Update 15 September 627h UTC 2013
10th and 11th deep focus damquakes in Fiji Region:
2013-09-15 02:05:49.2 4hr 18min ago | 20.97 | S | 178.66 | W | 563 | 4.3 | FIJI REGION |
2013-09-15 02:10:49.0 4hr 16min ago | 25.50 | S | 178.71 | W | 329 | 4.8 | SOUTH OF FIJI ISLANDS |
Update for 14 September 2013
A dam related coal mine collapse this evening in Samangan, Afghanistan:
Samangan:Latitude = 36.2653, Longitude = 68.0167
Around the time of the mine collapse a damquake occurred in that region:
2013-09-14 17:41:19.0 | 36.35 | N | 71.16 | E | 110 | 4.5 | HINDU KUSH REGION, AFGHANISTAN |
Total number of fires detected : 49
Latitude | Longitude | Date | Time | Brightness | Confidence | Scan | Track | Satellite | Version | Bright.T31 | FRP |
39.717 | 67.169 | 2013-09-14 | 06:45 | 316.9 | 65 | 1.4 | 1.2 | T | 5.0 | 303.8 | 13.2 |
37.996 | 69.727 | 2013-09-14 | 08:25 | 335.1 | 74 | 1.0 | 1.0 | A | 5.0 | 287.9 | 34.9 |
37.77 | 69.436 | 2013-09-12 | 20:35 | 315.4 | 88 | 3.4 | 1.7 | A | 5.0 | 288.8 | 127.7 |
37.766 | 69.44 | 2013-09-12 | 20:35 | 310.8 | 72 | 3.4 | 1.7 | A | 5.0 | 288.5 | 98.4 |
37.762 | 69.428 | 2013-09-12 | 18:00 | 315.2 | 87 | 2.7 | 1.6 | T | 5.0 | 290.8 | 85.0 |
During August 2013, the surge waves of the world's dams correlated extremely significantly with the 2 day Hotspot mean for this region as can be seen from that for the 30 dam India Reservoir daily content change:
r 0.773, df 15, p 0.000272. The world's daily reservoir surge volume as determined from the daily damquake data, matches PERFECTLY(Chisquare distribution) the World's daily reservoir use data published officially! Wake up you specialists, stop holding sway over governance and loudly proclaim the truth and help put a stop to self destruction of Modern Civilization NOW.
Update at 1316 UTC 13 September 2013
9th deep focus damquake:
2013-09-13 09:05:20.0 4hr 07min ago | 24.83 | S | 178.72 | E | 544 | 5.1 | SOUTH OF FIJI ISLANDS |
Update 541 UTC on 13 September 2013
Eighth deep focus damquake:
2013-09-13 03:56:58.1 1hr 41min ago | 20.65 | S | 178.12 | W | 584 | 4.6 | FIJI REGION |
Perhaps the Colorado floods are a dam related event.Well analysis shows that they are.
Extremes of rain!
Update 952 UTC on 12 September 2013
Seventh deep focus damquake:
2013-09-12 06:18:13.0 3hr 31min ago | 20.79 | S | 178.51 | W | 601 | 4.5 | FIJI REGION |
Update 452 UTC on 12 September 2013
Sixth deep focus damquake:
2013-09-12 04:20:44.0 34min ago | 25.72 | S | 179.42 | E | 531 | 4.7 | SOUTH OF FIJI ISLANDS |
Update 11 September 2013 2 hrs UTC
Fifth deep focus damquake after the strong Gautemalan damquake:
2013-09-10 18:46:22.07 hr 11min ago | 25.69 | S | 179.66 | E | 501 | 4.5 | SOUTH OF FIJI ISLANDS |
Await a dam related event like another deep focus damquake or a strong to great damquake or damage to infrastructure like a nuke facility or a dam in the Pacific Rim Region including the Sumatra area or in the region bounded by the longitudes spanning the Himalayas or in the Italy, Greece, Turkey, Iran regions, in the next couple of days.
Update 9 September 2013 at 721 UTC
Fourth deep focus damquake after the strong damquake at Gautemala:
2013-09-09 07:00:02.0 17min ago | 49.46 | N | 148.01 | E | 549 | 4.8 | NORTHWEST OF KURIL ISLANDS |
Actually it is the Sea of Okhotsk where this has struck. It is a premonition of dire consequences.
Await a dam related event like another deep focus damquake or a strong to great damquake or damage to infrastructure like a nuke facility or a dam in the Pacific Rim Region including the Sumatra area or in the region bounded by the longitudes spanning the Himalayas or in the Italy, Greece, Turkey, Iran regions, in the next couple of days.
Update 8 September 2013 at 1609 UTC
Third deep focus damquake after the strong damquake in Gautemala:
2013-09-08 01:08:37.0 | 41.09 | N | 13.56 | E | 377 | 3.4 | SOUTHERN ITALY |
Update 7 September 2013 at 1553 UTC
Second deep focus damquake after the Gautemala strong damquake:
2013-09-07 15:22:21.0 28min ago | 20.33 | S | 178.00 | W | 400 | 4.7 | FIJI REGION |
Update 7 September at 1044 UTC
First deep focus damquake after the Gautemala strong damquake:
2013-09-07 09:57:54. 745min ago | 17.70 | S | 178.74 | W | 540 | 4.2 | FIJI REGION |
Update 7 September at 0235 UTC
A strong damquake hits Gautemala, the fifth strong damquake:
2013-09-07 00:13:34.0 2hr 20min ago | 14.73 | N | 92.01 | W | 67 | 6.6 | GUATEMALA |
Update at 23:50 UTC on 6 September 2013
The first deep focus damquake after the strong damquake in Alaska:
2013-09-04 05:47:10.0 | 20.62 | S | 178.01 | W | 463 | 4.9 | FIJI REGION |
2013-09-04 06:27:03.0 | 51.71 | N | 174.84 | W | 10 | 6.2 | ANDREANOF ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN IS. |
2013-09-05 04:01:36.0 | 15.21 | N | 45.11 | W | 10 | 6.0 | NORTHERN MID-ATLANTIC RIDGE |
2013-09-05 12:29:18.0 | 10.63 | N | 86.07 | W | 48 | 6.0 | OFF COAST OF COSTA RICA |
2013-09-06 11:33:54.0 29min ago | 20.25 | N | 122.38 | E | 183 | 6.0 | BATAN ISL REGION, PHILIPPINES |
Update at 437 UTC on 4 Sep 2013
As expected a strong damquake struck Alaska:
2013-09-04 02:32:29.0 2hr 04min ago | 51.66 | N | 174.74 | W | 10 | 6.5 | ANDREANOF ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN IS. |
Update 4 September 2013 at 115 UTC
The fourth deep focus damquake at Tonga was followed by a strong damquake at Queen Charlotte Isles:
2013-09-03 19:01:13.0 6hr 15min ago | 16.33 | S | 175.87 | W | 336 | 4.9 | TONGA |
2013-09-03 20:19:09.0 4hr 59min ago | 51.14 | N | 130.18 | W | 2 | 6.1 | QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS REGION |
2013-09-04 00:18:24.01hr 01min ago | 30.05 | N | 138.93 | E | 428 | 6.5 | IZU ISLANDS, JAPAN REGION |
Update 3 Sep 2013 at 624 UTC
The third deep focus damquake after the strong damquake at PNG:
M4.4 - 13km SSE of Ndoi Island, Fiji
- Time
- Location
- 20.771°S 178.672°W
- Depth
- 593.7km
Expect a dam related event as predicted at Update for 30 August 2013, in a couple of days.
It is scary: Check out
Update on 3 September 2013 at 151 UTC
The monthly peak magnitude damquake for September 2013 has a range of 7 to 7.9 MM and is expected to occur between 11 to 18 September 2013.
Update 2002 UTC on 2 Sep 2013
The second deep focus damquake after the strong PNG damquake:
2013-09-02 20:02:17.3 | 21.10 | S | 178.95 | W | 609 | 4.8 | FIJI REGION |
Update 1253 UTC on 2 September 2013
First deep focus damquake after the PNG strong damquake:
2013-09-02 10:58:16.9 1hr 54min ago | 3.03 | N | 122.51 | E | 540 | 4.6 | CELEBES SEA |
Expect a dam related event as predicted at Update for 30 August 2013, in a couple of days.
It is scary: Check out
Update 0531 UTC on 2 September 2013
First deep focus damquake after major damquake in Alaska:
2013-08-31 23:52:06.0 | 48.00 | N | 148.17 | E | 380 | 4.7 | NORTHWEST OF KURIL ISLANDS |
2013-09-01 11:52:32.0 | 7.69 | S | 128.34 | E | 138 | 6.5 | KEPULAUAN BARAT DAYA, INDONESIA |
2013-09-01 19:50:40.0 9hr 47min ago | 29.02 | S | 176.33 | W | 10 | 6.1 | KERMADEC ISLANDS REGION |
2013-09-02 01:14:16.0 4hr 25min ago | 39.71 | N | 15.05 | E | 313 | 4.2 | SOUTHERN ITALY |
2013-09-02 02:51:12.0 2hr 54min ago | 42.25 | N | 133.66 | E | 437 | 5.4 | PRIMOR'YE, RUSSIA |
2013-09-02 04:30:21.0 1hr 17min ago | 6.61 | S | 154.97 | E | 69 | 6.1 | BOUGAINVILLE REGION, P.N.G. |
Update 1642 UTC on 30 August 2013
A major damquake on the Alaskan Ring of Fire on the Pacific Rim as expected:
2013-08-30 16:25:00.0 15min ago | 51.72 | N | 175.08 | W | 10 | 7.0 | ANDREANOF ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN IS. |
Update 1250 UTC on 30 August 2013
11th deep focus damquake is in Indonesia:
2013-08-30 12:19:47.1 28min ago | 6.28 | S | 113.14 | E | 592 | 4.5 | JAVA, INDONESIA |
Update 30 August 2013 at 542 UTC
10th deep focus damquake in the Sea of Okhotsk, a grave premonition of dire things to come:
2013-08-29 18:01:26.0 11hr 38min ago | 47.29 | N | 145.67 | E | 400 | 4.4 | SEA OF OKHOTSK |
The hotspots in the Yosemite Region are still a huge number:
Total number of fires detected : 562
Latitude | Longitude | Date | Time | Brightness | Confidence | Scan | Track | Satellite | Version | Bright.T31 | FRP |
37.772 | -119.976 | 2013-08-28 | 05:35 | 315.1 | 87 | 1.9 | 1.3 | T | 5.0 | 290.8 | 47.5 |
37.794 | -119.899 | 2013-08-28 | 05:35 | 311.6 | 68 | 1.9 | 1.3 | T | 5.0 | 289.3 | 39.2 |
37.79 | -119.921 | 2013-08-28 | 05:35 | 321.6 | 100 | 1.9 | 1.3 | T | 5.0 | 289.1 | 66.6 |
37.786 | -119.941 | 2013-08-28 | 05:35 | 321.7 | 100 | 1.9 | 1.3 | T | 5.0 | 289.8 | 67.0 |
37.782 | -119.96 | 2013-08-28 | 05:35 | 310.1 | 67 | 1.9 | 1.3 | T | 5.0 | 289.5 | 34.4 |
Update 1407 UTC on 29 August 2013
9th deep focus damquake:
2013-08-29 13:52:26.7 12min ago | 19.35 | S | 179.08 | W | 661 | 5.3 | FIJI REGION |
What have these reports in common as antecedents?
And of course the ongoing Fukushima apocalypse of March 11 2011:
Update 12:11 on 29 August 2013
8th Deep focus damquake:
2013-08-29 00:22:30.0 11hr 46min ago | 18.42 | S | 177.74 | W | 560 | 5.1 | FIJI REGION |
Update 0500 UTC on 28 August 2013
The 7th deep focus damquake but a strong one at that occurred in New Zealand:
2013-08-28 02:54:39.0 2hr 00min ago | 27.83 | S | 179.69 | E | 465 | 6.1 | KERMADEC ISLANDS REGION |
2013-08-28 03:40:37.0 1hr 22min ago | 21.37 | S | 179.16 | W | 600 | 4.7 | FIJI REGION |
Update at 1309 UTC 26 August 2013
The 6th deep focus damquake, epicenter Bolivia after the strong damquake in Mexico :
2013-08-26 11:25:50.4 1hr 42min ago | 18.35 | S | 67.91 | W | 328 | 3.9 | ORURO, BOLIVIA |
Update 26 August 2013 at 515 UTC
The fifth deep focus damquake after the strong damquake in Mexico:
2013-08-25 23:09:20.0 6hr 02min ago | 24.95 | S | 179.73 | E | 539 | 4.6 | SOUTH OF FIJI ISLANDS |
However already the World's Dams, by the application of the Precautionary Principle, are the cause of the raging California Forest Fires playing havoc in Yosemite National Park, the surge wave of the dams heating up the area is like applying a water moment surge equivalent to a great 8 Magnitude Damquake. Extremes have arrived long back heralding the self destruction of modern civilization. See by Googling for
Yosemite fire threatens San Francisco water, power - MarketWatch hotspots are massive in the area(Web Fire Mapper, NASA):
Total number of fires detected : 800
Latitude | Longitude | Date | Time | Brightness | Confidence | Scan | Track | Satellite | Version | Bright.T31 | FRP |
37.784 | -119.982 | 2013-08-24 | 06:00 | 321.9 | 100 | 1.0 | 1.0 | T | 5.0 | 292.6 | 26.6 |
37.796 | -119.962 | 2013-08-24 | 06:00 | 354.1 | 100 | 1.0 | 1.0 | T | 5.0 | 297.4 | 85.8 |
37.795 | -119.973 | 2013-08-24 | 06:00 | 333.6 | 100 | 1.0 | 1.0 | T | 5.0 | 294.5 | 43.0 |
37.793 | -119.984 | 2013-08-24 | 06:00 | 312.1 | 65 | 1.0 | 1.0 | T | 5.0 | 291.4 | 14.9 |
37.791 | -119.996 | 2013-08-24 | 06:00 | 321.4 | 100 | 1.0 | 1.0 | T | 5.0 | 292.4 | 26.5 |
Update 1119 UTC on 25 August 2013
In the region of the Far East Russia in the wake of devastating floods a deep focus damquake has struck, the 4th one after the strong Mexican damquake as expected:
M4.3 - 13km NNW of Ol'ga, Russia
- Time
- Location
- 43.859°N 135.229°E
- Depth
- 361.2km
- (USGS)
Update 24th August 2013 at 6:00 UTC
Third deep focus damquake:
2013-08-24 05:10:05.7 49min ago | 24.54 | S | 179.98 | W | 526 | 4.4 | SOUTH OF FIJI ISLANDS |
Second deep focus damquake after the strong damquake in Mexico:
2013-08-24 03:45:54.4 1hr 24min ago | 17.93 | S | 178.09 | W | 592 | 4.1 | FIJI REGION |
Belief in the truth of a law increases in direct proportion to the number of favourable instances of the law; Kyshtym(1957), Windscale(1957), Chernobyl(1986), Narora(1993), Kursk Nuke Sub(2000), 7.6 MM damquake Bhuj(2001), Kashiwasaki Kariwa(2007), Kosi (2008), Pakistan Flash Floods(2010), Leh Cloud Burst and calamity(2010), Fukushima(2011), 8.8 MM damquake off shore Bio Bio Chile(2010), Twin great damquakes off Banda Aceh(2012), Kedar Dom Dam Doom Uttarakhand(2013), Sindhurakshak submarine explosions Mumbai(2013) all, apart from others like the Louisiana Sinkhole, by the application of the Precautionary Principle, have the World's Dams as their contributory COMMON cause. The doubting of these extremes are countered by my articles which can be accessed by Googling for Ramaswami Ashok Kumar and clicking on my complete profile.
Update 0637 UTC on 22 August 2013
The first deep focus damquake after the strong damquake in Mexico:
2013-08-21 19:15:12.3 11hr 18min ago | 7.31 | S | 120.82 | E | 497 | 4.2 | FLORES SEA |
Update 1326 UTC on 21 August 2013
After the fifth deep focus damquake a strong damquake struck Guerrero,Mexico on the Pacific Rim as expected:
2013-08-21 12:38:32.0 45min ago | 17.06 | N | 99.34 | W | 30 | 6.2 | GUERRERO, MEXICO |
Update 19 August 2013 at 12:52 UTC
The fifth deep focus dam quake after the strong damquake on Southwest Indian Ridge:
2013-08-19 12:05:25.0 45min ago | 6.33 | N | 124.14 | E | 528 | 4.5 | MINDANAO, PHILIPPINES |
Update 0145 UTC on 19 August 2013
The third deep focus damquake:
2013-08-18 15:58:54.6 9hr 44min ago | 17.73 | S | 178.69 | W | 536 | 4.2 | FIJI REGION |
2013-08-18 22:34:30.0 3hr 12min ago | 6.52 | N | 124.84 | E | 388 | 5.3 | MINDANAO, PHILIPPINES |
Update 1709 UTC on 18 Aug 2013
The second deep focus damquake after the strong quake on Southwest Indian Ridge:
2013-08-18 14:49:43.6 2hr 18min ago | 20.70 | S | 178.69 | W | 574 | 4.4 | FIJI REGION |
Expect a dam related event like a huge forest fire or a nuke explosion or a deep focus damquake
or a strong to great damquake in the Pacific Rim Region or in the longitude band bounded by Himalayas in the next couple of days.
Update 1547 UTC on 18 Aug 2013
The first deep focus damquake after a strong damquake on the Southwest Indian Ridge:
2013-08-18 13:23:29.6 2hr 21min ago | 18.54 | S | 177.92 | W | 571 | 4.8 | FIJI REGION |
or a strong to great damquake in the Pacific Rim Region or in the longitude band bounded by Himalayas in the next couple of days.
Update 17 Aug 2013 at 1710 hrs UTC
As expected after the third deep focus damquake a strong damquake struck:
2013-08-17 16:32:35.0 35min ago | 34.98 | S | 53.94 | E | 33 | 6.1 | SOUTHWEST INDIAN RIDGE |
Update 1343 UTC on 17 Aug 2013
The third deep focus damquake after the Cook Strait strong damquake:
2013-08-17 13:04:26.4 38min ago | 25.32 | S | 179.94 | W | 464 | 4.8 | SOUTH OF FIJI ISLANDS |
Expect a dam related event other than a damquake. Or a deep focus damquake or a strong to great damquake in the Pacific Rim Region(Japan preferred location) or in the Himalayas in the next couple of days.
Update 1135 UTC 2013-08-17
The second deep focus damquake struck South of Fiji(USGS):
M4.5 - South of the Fiji Islands
- Time
- Location
- 24.101°S 179.933°E
- Depth
- 551.1km
Update 953 UTC on 16 August 2013
The first deep focus damquake struck Celebes Sea after the Cook Strait strong damquake:
2013-08-16 09:06:14.0 44min ago | 4.92 | N | 123.31 | E | 552 | 4.4 | CELEBES SEA |
Update 632 UTC on16 August 2013
A strong damquake struck Cook Strait New Zealand:
2013-08-16 02:31:06.0 4hr 01min ago | 41.78 | S | 174.28 | E | 2 | 6.8 | COOK STRAIT, NEW ZEALAND |
Updated: 2013-08-15 12:27:36 UTC
Japan has heated up into a swarm of hotspots:
Total number of fires detected : 165
Latitude | Longitude | Date | Time | Brightness | Confidence | Scan | Track | Satellite | Version | Bright.T31 | FRP |
35.911 | 128.954 | 2013-08-09 | 02:15 | 319.3 | 53 | 1.0 | 1.0 | T | 5.0 | 304.1 | 10.9 |
35.867 | 129.109 | 2013-08-10 | 04:35 | 319.6 | 31 | 1.0 | 1.0 | A | 5.0 | 302.9 | 11.0 |
32.206 | 130.406 | 2013-08-10 | 04:35 | 320.7 | 0 | 1.0 | 1.0 | A | 5.0 | 307.3 | 12.4 |
35.362 | 128.473 | 2013-08-10 | 04:35 | 323.2 | 64 | 1.0 | 1.0 | A | 5.0 | 304.8 | 12.7 |
35.364 | 128.484 | 2013-08-10 | 04:35 | 324.2 | 65 | 1.0 | 1.0 | A | 5.0 | 305.7 | 13.4 |
Total number of fires detected : 89
Latitude | Longitude | Date | Time | Brightness | Confidence | Scan | Track | Satellite | Version | Bright.T31 | FRP |
35.545 | 134.819 | 2013-08-10 | 04:35 | 318.5 | 41 | 1.7 | 1.3 | A | 5.0 | 300.3 | 20.2 |
35.464 | 134.87 | 2013-08-11 | 02:00 | 316.0 | 56 | 1.1 | 1.1 | T | 5.0 | 300.9 | 12.1 |
35.545 | 134.822 | 2013-08-11 | 02:00 | 320.6 | 32 | 1.1 | 1.1 | T | 5.0 | 303.9 | 13.2 |
34.932 | 134.834 | 2013-08-13 | 01:50 | 321.9 | 65 | 1.0 | 1.0 | T | 5.0 | 307.4 | 12.2 |
37.739 | 139.175 | 2013-08-09 | 03:50 | 318.3 | 59 | 1.0 | 1.0 | A | 5.0 | 301.9 | 11.2 |
Total number of fires detected : 87
Latitude | Longitude | Date | Time | Brightness | Confidence | Scan | Track | Satellite | Version | Bright.T31 | FRP |
38.76 | 140.298 | 2013-08-11 | 03:40 | 318.5 | 34 | 1.0 | 1.0 | A | 5.0 | 301.7 | 10.9 |
38.477 | 140.389 | 2013-08-11 | 03:40 | 321.8 | 60 | 1.0 | 1.0 | A | 5.0 | 302.7 | 14.9 |
38.291 | 140.267 | 2013-08-11 | 03:40 | 323.7 | 62 | 1.0 | 1.0 | A | 5.0 | 307.1 | 15.2 |
38.365 | 140.383 | 2013-08-11 | 02:00 | 318.2 | 17 | 1.9 | 1.4 | T | 5.0 | 301.0 | 25.7 |
38.763 | 140.299 | 2013-08-13 | 01:50 | 315.7 | 43 | 1.3 | 1.1 | T | 5.0 | 296.4 | 15.3 |
Total number of fires detected : 41
Latitude | Longitude | Date | Time | Brightness | Confidence | Scan | Track | Satellite | Version | Bright.T31 | FRP |
38.76 | 140.298 | 2013-08-11 | 03:40 | 318.5 | 34 | 1.0 | 1.0 | A | 5.0 | 301.7 | 10.9 |
38.477 | 140.389 | 2013-08-11 | 03:40 | 321.8 | 60 | 1.0 | 1.0 | A | 5.0 | 302.7 | 14.9 |
38.763 | 140.299 | 2013-08-13 | 01:50 | 315.7 | 43 | 1.3 | 1.1 | T | 5.0 | 296.4 | 15.3 |
38.478 | 140.398 | 2013-08-15 | 01:35 | 318.6 | 21 | 1.0 | 1.0 | T | 5.0 | 304.9 | 12.1 |
38.752 | 140.3 | 2013-08-15 | 01:35 | 318.5 | 60 | 1.0 | 1.0 | T | 5.0 | 304.5 | 11.2 |
For 48 hrs there have been no quakes in Japan.
Watch out!
Updated: 2013-08-13 16:12:30 UTC
A strong damquake struck the Panama Region as expected after the deep focus damquake near the South Coast of Honshu:
2013-08-13 15:43:13.0 32min ago | 5.88 | N | 78.10 | W | 2 | 6.7 | SOUTH OF PANAMA |
Update 13 August 2013 at 4:33 UTC
The first deep focus damquake after the strong shallow one off the coast of Northern Peru:
2013-08-12 16:25:41.0 | 33.85 | N | 137.04 | E | 355 | 4.4 | NEAR S. COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN |
The hotspots in this longitude band have been a huge cluster and persisting for more than a month: Total number of fires detected : 61 [ONLY TOP 5 RESULTS ARE SHOWN.]
Expect a dam related event but not a quake or expect a deep focus damquake or a strong to great damquake in this longitude band or related bands like 43 or -43 or 47 or -47 or -137 or somewhere else on the Pacific Rim or in the Himalayas in the next couple of days. One cannot exaggerate the effects of the huge dam surge water moments owing to dynamic disequilibrium caused by the instantaneous water pressure head changes every second amounting to several thousand Everest Peak heights at the centre of gravity of the World's dams unleashed by the glaring lacuna in meeting modern civilization's gargantuan water needs by dams. |