Saturday, May 30, 2015

Mount Shindake Volcano Eruption was caused by the World's Dams

Mount Shindake violently erupted spewing ash 9 km into the sky at 00:57 UTC on 29 May 2015 when a deep focus earthquake occurred in the Izu Island Region of Japan. Both were simultaneously caused by the world's dams.


The USGS Map shows the Mt Shendake volcano location and the Izu Islands quake location:

See the locations of the Kuchinoerabu Island where the Mount Shindake volcano erupted and of Izu Islands where the deep focus earthquake occurred below. The white and blue location markers indicate the location
of the deep focus quake in the Izu Island Region.

Some idea of the surges generated by the dams at the two sites may be got from Table SHINDAKE below:

We note how the world’s dams created surges equivalent to that of a great earthquake(8.2 MM) at the two sites and resulted in a downward force with a 1 sec power of 147000 terawatts(the total electrical capacity of the world is 6 terawatts order) with a possible pressure build up resulting in the sudden throwing up of the ash 9 km into the sky!

Simultaneously we see a deep focus earthquake occurring at Izu Islands in the Japan Region(29 May 2015 0057 hrs UTC).
Thus we see undeniable connection to the fury of the world’s dams as they change their dam contents. The sum total of the dam content changes occurring simultaneously render the dynamic disequilibrium phenomenon to reach energy releases of a great earthquake: Modern Civilization in action destroying itself with earth reactions which are a response to the applied dam surges.

The cause effect relation is dramatically shown by the reactions of the earth in the form of earthquakes as can be seen from an analysis of the data for the past 41 hydrological years 1973 to 2013:
Draw a circle of 100 km radius around Mount Shindake and get earthquake data for these 41 years. Similarly get data for the worldwide earthquakes during the same period. See how they dance synchronously with each other in response to the dam content changes summed up for the world:

The correlations with the annual world dam capacities of the annual number of earthquakes are remarkably consistent for any disaster area including Mount Shindake(Ref):


R. Ashok Kumar. 2015. The science of dams causing earthquakes and climate change


Monday, May 25, 2015


Quote from the article:
“It’s going to be hard to convince anyone,” said Oliver E Jagoutz, a geologist at MIT and part of a team that outlined its ideas about the collision in the journal Nature Geoscience.
Another mystery is why India is still running into Asia at a quick pace – 1 1/2 to 2 inches a year – driving the devastating earthquakes. “That is one of the biggest problems that we have in plate tectonics,” said Douwe JJ van Hinsbergen, a professor of earth sciences at Utrecht
University in the Netherlands. “It may not seem much, but it’s the rate at which your fingernails grow.”

To dismiss the sum total of dynamics and magnitude changes of forces unleashed by modern civilization's separate parts instantaneously and simultaneously and to cling to one theory is highly speculative and deductive when extended to the DAM ERA which began by 1900. See how dams are causing earthquakes in a scientific discussion of hard data at
The science of dams causing earthquakes and climate change/Ramaswami Ashok Kumar 


See also:
Plate Tectonics: A Paradigm Under Threat
Daal en Bergselaan 68, 2565 AG The Hague, The Netherlands
Abstract—This paper looks at the challenges confronting plate tectonics—the ruling paradigm in the earth sciences. The classical model of thin lithospheric plates moving over a global asthenosphere is shown to be implausible. Evidence is presented that appears to contradict continental drift, seafloor spreading, and subduction, as well as the claim that the oceanic crust
is relatively young. The problems posed by vertical tectonic movements are reviewed, including evidence for large areas of submerged continental crust in today’s oceans. It is concluded that the fundamental tenets of plate tectonics might be wrong.

And he reviews work till the begin of the new millennium 2000 regarding India as follows:
India supposedly detached itself from Antarctica sometime during the Mesozoic, and then drifted northeastward up to 9,000 km, over a period of up to 200 million years, until it finally collided with Asia in the mid-Tertiary, pushing up the Himalayas and the Tibetan Plateau. That Asia happened to have an indentation of approximately the correct shape and size and in exactly the right place for India to “dock” into would amount to a remarkable coincidence (Mantura, 1972). There is, however, overwhelming geological and paleontological evidence that India has been an integral part of Asia since Proterozoic or earlier time (Ahmad, 1990; Chatterjee and Hotton, 1986;
Meyerhoff et al., 1991; Saxena and Gupta, 1990). There is also abundant evidence that the Tethys Sea in the region of the present Alpine-Himalayan orogenic belt was never a deep, wide ocean but rather a narrow, predominantly shallow, intracontinental seaway (Bhat, 1987; Dickins, 1987, 1994c; McKenzie, 1987; Stöcklin, 1989). If the long journey of India had actually occurred,
it would have been an isolated island continent for millions of years—sufficient time to have evolved a highly distinct endemic fauna. However, the Mesozoic and Tertiary faunas show no such endemism but indicate instead that India lay very close to Asia throughout this period, and not to Australia and Antarctica (Chatterjee and Hotton, 1986). The stratigraphic, structural,
and paleontological continuity of India with Asia and Arabia means that the supposed “flight of India” is no more than a flight of fancy.
Plate Tectonics: A Paradigm Under Threat
Journal of Scientific Exploration, Vol. 14, No. 3, pp. 307–352, 2000